For 165 days, we followed the amazing adventures of Ben Lecomte, who took a journey across the Pacific Ocean in which he called ‘The Swim’. After battling bad weather and even running into a few typhoons, Ben and his crew were forced to retreat to Hawaii when their support boat received irreparable damage.
Motivated by their experiences with plastic pollution, Ben and few of his crew members have focused their attention on plastic pollution. Starting in May this year, Ben will be swimming through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, along with ten other crew members, to continue their transpacific data set. This expedition will be focused on dispelling the myths surrounding the patch, as well as assisting scientists in understanding what is accumulating in the gyre.
Ben’s team is now seeking crazy, fun, passionate and skilled volunteers to help Ben on the next leg of his adventure! They are looking for new crew members to volunteer on a 3-month swimming/sailing expedition from Hawaii to California. Positions include marine engineers, scientists, sailors, medics, influencers and plastic warriors. Must be available from May to September of 2019.
While previous sailing experience is preferred, it is not required. For your chance to be involved in this huge adventure, make sure to like Ben on Instagram and Facebook, and send an introduction letter + CV to!