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Kids Crafts to do During Your Quarantine

Animal Crafts to do During Your QuarantineAre you thinking about all the things you won’t take for granted once this quarantine is over? We can’t wait to see all our families and swimmers and have the opportunity to host more events like Leap Splash. We also won’t take another trip to the zoo for granted! That is an activity the whole family can enjoy, and one that kids so often look forward to. Let’s dive into three crafts to do with your kids during your quarantine.

As we thought of some quarantine kids activity ideas you can do with your little ones, we got inspiration from our own mascot, and some of the critters we saw at Leap Splash. If you are looking for simple crafts using things you already have on hand, we’ve gathered (and tested!) three animal crafts to help make this time at home go by faster. These crafts are good for all ages. Plus, you can use this as an educational opportunity for your kids! Turn to your trusty friend Google and look up animal facts while doing these crafts.

Animal Track Stamp

What you need: 1-2 sponges per animal track

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to make it: Using a kitchen sponge, cut the sponge into the shape of an animal’s paw print. You can use a washable marker to draw the outline if you prefer. If your sponge has a scrubber, you’ll want to remove this layer as it can be hard to cut through. You can use your stamp in water on construction paper or your driveway or use it with paint on paper. We tried to make Paddle’s paw print – how does it look?!

Fact about bears: Despite their large size, bears can run twice as fast as humans!

snake dive toy

Paper Chain Snake

What you need: Paper, markers, paint (optional)

Time needed: 45 minutes

How to make it: Remember the paper chains you made to count down to a birthday or holiday? Use that same concept to create a snake! Using any paper in your home, cut strips and decorate the strips with dots, stripes, or a tribal print (save two blank strips for the head and tail). Using the body pieces, make a paper chain. Make sure the body chain ends with the pieces wrapping left to right versus up and down so you can properly attach the head and tail. Cut the tailpiece into a point and loop around the end of your train. Trace a head of a snake on the last strip and cut out. Decorate the face by coloring eyes or using beads, and don’t forget to add a tongue. Loop around the top of your chain and you’re all done! This is a great craft to do with your kids during the quarantine.

Fact about snakes: Snakes smell using their tongue!

Stained “Glass”

What you need: Coffee filter, watercolor paint, black construction paper, glue

Time needed: One hour (includes dry time)

How to make it: Using the watercolor paint, have your child(ren) paint their coffee filter with whatever colors they choose (note – darker colors will show up better as the paint will lighten as it dries). Next, draw and cut out your favorite animal using the black construction paper. Once the paint on the coffee filter is dry, glue your animal to the coffee filter. Hang in your window and voila!

Fact about stained glass: Stained glass originated by using metallic salts to color the glass, not paint!

We hope you find these three simple craft ideas for kids that you can use to keep your children engaged during quarantine helpful! If you want more ideas, check out these 50 animal crafts for kids!